Results for 'João José P. Ferreira'

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  1. Enterprise Web Accessibility Levels Amongst the Forbes 250: Where Art Thou O Virtuous Leader? [REVIEW]Ramiro Gonçalves, José Martins, Jorge Pereira, Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira & João José P. Ferreira - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):363-375.
    The research team measured the enterprise web accessibility levels of the Forbes 250 largest enterprises using the fully automatic accessibility evaluation tool Sortsite, and presented the compliance of the evaluated websites to WCAG 1.0, WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 accessibility levels. Given the recent attention to organizational leaders having ethical duties towards their dedicated employees, we propose that ‘societal citizenship behaviour’ concerns ethical duties of organizational leaders towards society in general and in particular to those who have less means to (...)
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    Does overlap mean relevance?João Ferreira, Alberto Rodrigues Da Silva & José Delgado - 2004 - Tópicos 451:500.
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    Robotics and Well-Being.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, Ana S. Aníbal, P. Beardsley, Selmer Bringsjord, Paulo S. Carvalho, Raja Chatila, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Nicola Fabiano, Sarah R. Fletcher, Rodolphe Gelin, Rikhiya Ghosh, Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, John C. Havens, Teegan L. Johnson, Endre E. Kadar, Jon Larreina, Pedro U. Lima, Stuti Thapa Magar, Bertram F. Malle, André Martins, Michael P. Musielewicz, A. Mylaeus, Matthew Peveler, Matthias Scheutz, João Silva Sequeira, R. Siegwart, B. Tranter & A. Vempati (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book highlights some of the most pressing safety, ethical, legal and societal issues related to the diverse contexts in which robotic technologies apply. Focusing on the essential concept of well-being, it addresses topics that are fundamental not only for research, but also for industry and end-users, discussing the challenges in a wide variety of applications, including domestic robots, autonomous manufacturing, personal care robots and drones.
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    Motivated reasoning in the prediction of sports outcomes and the belief in the “hot hand”.João P. N. Braga, André Mata, Mário B. Ferreira & Steven J. Sherman - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1571-1580.
    The present paper explores the role of motivation to observe a certain outcome in people’s predictions, causal attributions, and beliefs about a streak of binary outcomes. In two studies we found that positive streaks lead participants to predict the streak’s continuation, but negative streaks lead to predictions of its end. More importantly, these wishful predictions are supported by strategic attributions and beliefs about how and why a streak might unfold. Results suggest that the effect of motivation on predictions is mediated (...)
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    Resenhas v. 4 n. 8.Amauri Carlos Ferreira, Antônio Francisco da Silva, Ivonei Antônio de Oliveira, João Batista Libanio, Lindomar Rocha Mota & Roberlei Panasiewicz - 2006 - Horizonte 4 (8):153-171.
    SENA, Luzia (Org.). Ensino religioso e formação docente . (Religious teaching and teacher qualification) Amauri Carlos Ferreira SANGENIS, Luiz Fernando Conde. Gênese do pensamento único em educação: franciscanismo e jesuitismo na história da educação brasileira. (Genesis of an only thought in education: franciscanism and Jesuitism in the history of Brazilian education) Antônio Francisco da Silva TREVISAN, A. Santo Tomás de Aquino – O Credo: tradução, prefácio, introdução e notas. (Saint Thomas of Aquinas – The Creed: translation, preface, introduction and (...)
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  6. Razão e Liberdade. Homenagem a Manuel José do Carmo Ferreira.Carlos João Correia, António Pedro Mesquita & Leonel Ribeiro Ferreira (eds.) - 2010 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Com toda a certeza, se não for mentira.João Pedro Rosa Ferreira - 2017 - Cultura:247-265.
    A ambiguidade do humor torna-o capaz de desvendar a verdade para lá da peta, do ópio, do fingimento, da falsidade – cada um destes sinónimos de mentira está presente, com subtis gradações, nos periódicos de José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa. O próprio conceito de mentira suscita reflexão e é questionado na sua relação com a verdade: “Com toda a certeza, se não for mentira.” O exagero das petas com que “tempera” as verdades chama a atenção dos leitores para a (...)
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    Orí O! A ideia de Pessoa, a Problemática do Destino e o Ritual do Bọrí entre os Yorùbás e no Candomblé (Orí O! The Idea of Person, the Problematic of Destiny and the Ritual of Bọrí among the Yorùbá and in Candomblé) - DOI 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n29p70. [REVIEW]João Ferreira Dias - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):70-87.
    O presente artigo pretende analisar a ideia de pessoa entre os yorùbás da África Ocidental, a partir da conceção de orí , i. e., a cabeça, entendida entre eles como portadora de personalidade e destino, ideia amplamente difundida pela literatura sobre a matéria da personalidade humana e sentidos de destino. A partir do orí , adentrar-se-á pela problemática da predestinação entre os yorùbás e o sentido do ritual de alimento à cabeça, o b ọ rí, entre os yorùbás, com referência (...)
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  9. Monty hall drives a wedge between Judy Benjamin and the sleeping beauty: A reply to Bovens.Luc Bovens & Jose-Luis Ferreira - 2010 - Analysis 70 (3):473 - 481.
    In “Judy Benjamin is a Sleeping Beauty” (2010) Bovens recognises a certain similarity between the Sleeping Beauty (SB) and the Judy Benjamin (JB). But he does not recognise the dissimilarity between underlying protocols (as spelled out in Shafer (1985). Protocols are expressed in conditional probability tables that spell out the probability of coming to learn various propositions conditional on the actual state of the world. The principle of total evidence requires that we not update on the content of the proposition (...)
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    Resenhas v. 3 n. 6.Aurino José Góis, João Carlos Lino Gomes & Flávio Senra - 2005 - Horizonte 3 (6):141-152.
    BERGER, P. L.; LUCKMANN, T. Modernidade, pluralismo e crise de sentido ; a orientação do homem moderno Aurino José Góis RIBEIRO, Renato Janine. A república . RIBEIRO, Renato Janine. A democracia . João Carlos Lino Gomes SUNG, Jung Mo. Sementes de esperança. A fé em um mundo em crise. Flávio Senra.
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    Monty Hall drives a wedge between Judy Benjamin and the Sleeping Beauty: a reply to Bovens.Luc Bovens & José Luis Ferreira - 2010 - Analysis 70 (3):473-481.
    Bovens (2010) points out that there is a structural analogy between the Judy Benjamin problem (JB) and the Sleeping Beauty problem (SB). On grounds of this structural analogy, he argues that both should receive the same solution, viz. the posterior probability of the eastern region of the matrix in Table 1 should equal 1/3. Hence, P*(Red) = 1/3 in the JB and P*(Heads) = 1/3 in the SB. Bovens’s argument rests on a standard error in implementing Bayesian updating, which is (...)
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    João Escoto Erígena, Periphyseon ou A divisão da natureza; tradução inédita e notas P. Calixto, a partir dos excertos da edição latina de Edouard Jeauneau, Turnholt, Brepols, 1996.Pedro Calixto Ferreira Filho & Uellinton Valentim Corsi - 2022 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 3 (1):175-192.
    O objetivo que o autor persegue nesta obra é a apreensão e a explicação das diferentes modalidades da natureza, bem como as suas interdependências respectivas. Para isso, ele desenvolve um sistema filosófico original, fundamentado sobre a tríade neoplatônica: imanência, processão e retorno. A natureza, enquanto conceito universal englobando Deus e a criatura, é concebida a partir de um duplo movimento: de saída, o mundo é auto-manifestação de Deus; de retorno, o processo criacional tende a reunificação de todas as coisas em (...)
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  13. Razão e Liberdade. Homenagem a Manuel José do Carmo Ferreira.Carlos João Correia, António Pedro Mesquita & Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (eds.) - 2010
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    SAREF4health: Towards IoT standard-based ontology-driven cardiac e-health systems.João Moreira, Luís Ferreira Pires, Marten van Sinderen, Laura Daniele & Marc Girod-Genet - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (3):385-410.
    Recently, a number of ontology-driven healthcare systems have been leveraged by the Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies that offer opportunities to improve abnormal situation detection when integ...
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    Towards ontology-driven situation-aware disaster management.João L. R. Moreira, Luís Ferreira Pires, Marten van Sinderen & Patricia Dockhorn Costa - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):339-353.
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    Tissue‐resident memory T cells: Harnessing their properties against infection for cancer treatment.João Fernandes, Marc Veldhoen & Cristina Ferreira - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (11):2400119.
    We have rapidly gained insights into the presence and function of T lymphocytes in non‐lymphoid tissues, the tissue‐resident memory T (TRM) cells. The central pillar of adaptive immunity has been expanded from classic central memory T cells giving rise to progeny upon reinfection and effector memory cells circulating through the blood and patrolling the tissues to include TRM cells that reside and migrate inside solid organs and tissues. Their development and maintenance have been studied in detail, providing exciting clues on (...)
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    Sujeito, desejo e gozo: para uma terapia da concepção de linguagem de Lacan.João José R. L. Almeida - 2006 - Dois Pontos 3 (1).
    resumo Focado num trecho de “Position de L’inconscient”, este artigo faz a descrição gramatical das figuras de sujeito e de linguagem ali empregadas. A intenção é exclusivamente terapêutica – não se trata de propor novas teses, mas provocar o olhar para aspectos negligenciados da prática psicanalítica. palavras-chave Lacan - Wittgenstein - Linguagem - Subjetividade.
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    (1 other version)A psicanálise pragmática e o paradoxo da interpretação.João José Rodrigues Lima de Almeida - 2006 - Natureza Humana 8 (1):87-132.
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    Persuasão antes que convencimento: apontamentos sobre Wittgenstein e a psicanálise.João José Rodrigues Lima de Almeida - 2007 - Trans/Form/Ação 30 (2):53-74.
    : As relações que Wittgenstein mantém com o pensamento de Freud,como atestaram vários estudiosos, são marcadamente ambíguas: existe, por um lado, uma crítica acerba do caráter pseudocientífico com que a psicanálise apresenta supostas “descobertas empíricas”, e do fascínio exercido por este modo de proceder; mas há, por outro lado, evidências da sua admiração pelo efeito dissolvente do uso de metáforas e interpretações, chegando mesmo Wittgenstein a incorporar essa estratégia ao seu próprio método de investigação lógica dos conceitos filosóficos. Neste trabalho (...)
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    The Russell-Prawitz embedding and the atomization of universal instantiation.José Espírito Santo & Gilda Ferreira - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Given the recent interest in the fragment of system $\mathbf{F}$ where universal instantiation is restricted to atomic formulas, a fragment nowadays named system ${\mathbf{F}}_{\textbf{at}}$, we study directly in system $\mathbf{F}$ new conversions whose purpose is to enforce that restriction. We show some benefits of these new atomization conversions: they help achieving strict simulation of proof reduction by means of the Russell–Prawitz embedding of $\textbf{IPC}$ into system $\mathbf{F}$, they are not stronger than a certain ‘dinaturality’ conversion known to generate a consistent (...)
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  21. Acervo da Laje : memoria popular, negra, periférica y narrativas invisibles.José Eduardo Ferreira Santos - 2020 - In Natalia Arcos & Enrique Téllez, Para una estética de la liberación decolonial. CDMX: Ediciones del Lirio.
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    James C. Klagge: Tractatus in Context: The Essential Background for Appreciating Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.João José R. L. de Almeida - 2023 - Wittgenstein-Studien 14 (1):271-276.
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    The Nestroy’s motto and a decolonial Wittgenstein.João José R. L. de Almeida - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (12):1986-2007.
    There is only one occurrence of the word ‘progress’ in the Philosophical Investigations. It is located in the sentence that serves as the book’s epigraph. The book, however, does not explicit prese...
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    Entrevista com o historiador Daniel Aarão Reis Filho - doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v19i2.1146.Tiago João José Alves - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (2).
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  25. Subjetividade e concepções de linguagem: freudismo, lacanismo e pragmatismo.João José Rodrigues Lima de Almeida - 2003 - Princípios 10 (13):137-156.
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    What Is the Subject in Question?João José R. L. De Almeida - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (2):99-101.
    Arguing for the theoretical importance of the concept of “subject” or “self” on behalf of the “psychiatric/psycho-pathological thinking” is justified in so far as, as Costa, Bezerra Jr., and Gama say, “this is still an indispensable concept for understanding the conditions for the gestation and functioning of psychological life.” In what sense are these concepts “indispensable?”All the hints suggest them as necessary complements for neurobiological investigations to become useful for clinical employment. So, if we consider that it is possible to (...)
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    A gramática da psicanálise.João José Rodrigues Lima De Almeida - 2008 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 13 (2).
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    Se as pulgas desenvolvessem um rito, ele estaria relacionado ao cão.João José Rodrigues Almeida - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (29):369.
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    T-pattern analysis of offensive and defensive actions of youth football goalkeepers.Fernando Santos, João Santos, Mário Espada, Cátia Ferreira, Paulo Sousa & Valter Pinheiro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nowadays, football goalkeepers play an important role in the team's organization, namely, considering the offensive and defensive processes. The purpose of our investigation focuses on the notational and T-pattern analysis of the offensive and defensive actions of elite young football GKs. The participating GKs presented 8 years of experience in the specific position, were internationally selected for the national team of Portugal, and competed in the national U-17 championship of Portugal. Thirty football matches were observed. The observational sample consisted of (...)
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    A Possibilidade de Uma Educação Museal Na Escola: Um Interc'mbio a Partir da Arte de Descartes Gadelha.Wesclei Ribeiro da Cunha, José Olímpio Ferreira Neto & Eduardo Ferreira Chagas - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):619-638.
    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar reflexões sobre a possibilidade da educação museal nas escolas públicas municipais de Fortaleza. A Educação Museal é uma prática educativa, democrática, crítica e transformadora, que respeita a diversidade cultural e suas epistemologias. O trabalho tem a justificativa pessoal assentada na trajetória profissional dos autores que promovem práticas educativas em diálogo com outras instituições, em especial, museus, e outros ramos dos saberes, em especial, as artes. É uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, que se (...)
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    Which choices merit deference? A comparison of three behavioural proxies of subjective welfare.João V. Ferreira - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (1):124-151.
    Recently several authors have proposed proxies of welfare that equate some (as opposed to all) choices with welfare. In this paper, I first distinguish between two prominent proxies: one based oncontext-independent choicesand the other based onreason-based choices. I then propose an original proxy based on choices that individuals state they would want themselves to repeat at the time of the welfare/policy evaluation (confirmed choices). I articulate three complementary arguments that, I claim, support confirmed choices as a more reliable proxy of (...)
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    The Future Looks Good: Examining the Associations Between Coping, Psychological Distress, and Optimism.Tiago Santos, António de Sousa Uva, José Fernandes Rodrigues, Regina Ferreira, Diogo Monteiro, Antonio Hernández-Mendo & Filipe Rodrigues - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The recent pandemic and consequent lockdown had a substantial impact on mental health and optimism regarding the future. Previous research showed that levels of depression, anxiety, and stress had increased throughout the pandemic. Nonetheless, how individuals cope when faced with adversity may be associated with positive expectations regarding the future. A sample of 274 Portuguese workers with a mean age of 40.86 and work experience of 19.68 years met inclusion criteria and agreed to participate in the proposed study. They represented (...)
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  33. Observações sobre “O Ramo Dourado” de Frazer.Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bruno Monteiro, João José Almeida & Nuno Venturinha (eds.) - 2011 - Porto: Deriva.
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  34. Frank R. Drake," Set theory: an introduction to Large Cardinals".José P. Úbeda - 1975 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):521-525.
  35. Poder político e liberdade.José P. Borges - 1997 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 53 (1):63.
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    A liberdade do neoliberalismo: leituras críticas.José P. Castiano - 2018 - Maputo: Editora Educar.
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  37. Do espírito da tradição ao espírito da reconciliação.José P. Castiano - 2021 - Maputo, Moçambique: Publifix Edições.
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    Filosofia africana: da sagacidade à intersubjectivação.José P. Castiano - 2015 - Maputo: Educar.
  39.  17
    O Inter-Munthu: em busca do sujeito da reconciliação.José P. Castiano - 2023 - Beira [Moçambique]: Editora Fundza.
    Robben Island : o "santuário"? -- O Inter-Munthu, o sujeito da reconcilliação -- Missionarismos e espiritualidades -- Políticas de identidades e de reconciliação -- Do Bunthu ao Munthu, em direcção ao Inter-Munthu -- Tecnocultura -- Discurso sobre a democracia reconciliatória.
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    Referenciais da Filosofia Africana: Em busca da Intersubjectivação.José P. Castiano - 2010 - Maputo: Ndjira.
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    The Reception of Contemporary African Philosophy in Mozambique: Between Libertarians and Culturalists.José P. Castiano - 2015 - Philosophia Africana 17 (1):33-43.
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    Sistemas pedagógicos: un cambio necesario que se debe toda la sociedad.José P. Iglesias - 1991 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: J.P. Iglesias.
  43. Marco Aurelio: emperador filósofo con súbditos cristianos.José P. Martín - 2006 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10:195-215.
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    Pluralismo terminológico e desordem da informação.João Rodrigo Santos Ferreira & Edivanio Duarte de Souza - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):86-105.
    A pesquisa aponta as condições que motivaram as mudanças nos processos de disseminação da ciência, apresentando o ambiente das redes sociais digitais como espaços unificados de comunicação e de divulgação científicas. A partir deste contexto, busca evidenciar como esses espaços estão vulneráveis à desordem da informação. Para tanto, foram levantados os principais fatores relacionados à desordem no espaço digital, especialmente, nesses processos, e indicados alguns cuidados que precisam ser considerados para evitar ou minimizar esse problema. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica (...)
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    Robotics and Well-Being.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, João Silva Sequeira, Gurvinder Singh Virk, Mohammad Osman Tokhi & Endre E. Kadar (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book highlights some of the most pressing safety, ethical, legal and societal issues related to the diverse contexts in which robotic technologies apply. Focusing on the essential concept of well-being, it addresses topics that are fundamental not only for research, but also for industry and end-users, discussing the challenges in a wide variety of applications, including domestic robots, autonomous manufacturing, personal care robots and drones.
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  46. Analisys of induction generators application in a distribution system.Júlio C. C. Ferreira, João A. Moor Neto, Diogo R. Costa Jr, Edson H. Watanabe & Luís G. B. Rolim - 2004 - Complexity 1:2.
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    Do Occasional Volunteers Repeat their Experience?Marisa R. Ferreira, João F. Proença & Margarida Rocha - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (2):75-92.
    Understanding the experiences of volunteers is critical to the effective management of non-profit organizations. Many organizations benefit greatly from the work of volunteers; however, little is known about the interest of occasional volunteers in repeating their experience. Our research aims to understand occasional volunteers and their intention to repeat the experience. To achieve this objective, it is essential to understand volunteers’ motivations and the influence of volunteers’ previous experiences in motivations. At the same time, it is necessary to know how (...)
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    Hipólito da Costa. His political thought.João Pedro Rosa Ferreira - 2006 - Cultura:319-338.
    Hipólito da Costa (1774-1823) foi o redactor do primeiro periódico liberal de língua portugue­sa, o Correio Braziliense, e é considerado o patriarca do jornalismo brasileiro. Exilado em Lon­dres, desenvolveu no Correio um corpus doutrinal que culminou num Projecto de Constituição para o Brasil, tributário dos valores do modelo constitucional inglês. Anti-absolutista, anti-es­clavagista e anti-democrático, o seu liberalismo tem a marca do gradualismo como método pre­ferencial de evolução política e social.
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    Politics in trauma times: of subjectivity, war, and humanitarian intervention.Maria João Ferreira & Pedro F. Marcelino - 2011 - Ethics and Global Politics 4 (2):135-145.
    Palace of the End is a dense triptych of monologues exploring alternative narratives - albeit based in real facts - behind the events and the headlines surrounding the war in Iraq. Borrowing its title from the former royal palace where Saddam Hussein’s torture chamber was located, Thompson’s docudrama is structured as a chain of monologues telling three real-life stories set in the context of the war in Iraq. The play conveys three unconventional interpretations of the realities of war: that of (...)
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  50. Revealing preference discovery: a chronological choice framework.João V. Ferreira & Nicolas Gravel - 2025 - Theory and Decision 98 (1):1-32.
    We propose a framework for the analysis of choice behaviour when the latter is made explicitly in chronological order. We relate this framework to the traditional choice theoretic setting from which the chronological aspect is absent, and compare it to other frameworks that extend this traditional setting. Then, we use this framework to analyse various models of preference discovery. We characterise, via simple revealed preference tests, several models that differ in terms of (1) the priors that the decision-maker holds about (...)
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